Previous governments were softhanded when dealing with issues of national security but this administration has be given the Oscar for being among the most inept. I think its time Manmohan Singh's resigns as Prime Minister and goes back to teaching economics at Oxford. He has carried on long enough on the strength of reputation gained through his economic reforms of 91'. Maybe the Government is afraid of losing investor confidence by doing something drastic, but its better to use the scapel to sever the tumour when its small.
We should realise that its not terrorist entities based in Pakistan alone which are pinching us but we are turning a blind eye to nefarious elements from Bangladesh. These countries should be made to understand even a pin prick on our soil will evoke a strong reaction. We should take a leaf of out of our dear Mr George Bush. He might be under fire for the disastrous war in Iraq but we should not lose sight of the fact that not a single terrorist incident has occured in America after 9/11. Our actions should be swift and decisive. Every Indian life taken has to be accounted for. Nobody should mess with us.
I pray for the victims of blasts and hope no such incidents occur either in India or anywhere else.
Vande Mataram
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